About red dragons 


Welcome to the 
Sport of Legends


To elevate the sport of Dragon Boat Racing practice session at a time. Making our club the model, while setting a higher standard for competitive team development.


To build not only a world-class competitive team, but also beginners and recreational teams, and give everyone in our community the chance to experience Dragon boating at their own pace and ability.


To build not only a world-class competitive team, but also beginners and recreational teams, and give everyone in our community the chance to experience Dragon boating at their own pace and ability.

If you can’t get a spot right away, no worries, our waiting list rarely goes beyond two weeks. We’ll get you sorted out! 

If after your tryout session you feel you want to do it again, no problem, come back for more punishment and we’ll accommodate you.

That just lets us know you MAY have what it takes to be a Miami Red Dragon.